Thursday, February 4, 2010

Flemish Giant Bunny

I'm waiting...... Coz mommy say after cleaning my home, we are going out for hops ! Mommy you are the best!!!
i love u! muacksss!!

Mommy bought me down for a hop hop, yipee!!! fresh air @ last. i just love the outdoors!!!
After the outdoors, mommy let me hop around the house to cool down coz weather si bei hot ah!!!

Handsome or what!!!!
Sleepy liao...Zzzzzzz !!!!!!!
Gabby is my name & being giant is my game!!!

Hi everyone,

This is my 1year old Flemish Giant bunny, it hasn't been the same eversince Toby came into my Life.
He is playful,adventous & as gentle as he could be.

1 comment:

  1. wow really giant rabbit. Your flemish giant steel color is rare.
